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Better LIFE

How To Make Your Life Easier With Life Hacks

Life hacking
Hacking usually refers to the activity in which someone breaks or “hacks” into computers and computer networks for profit, in protest, or because they are motivated by the challenge.
The term ‘life hacks‘ differs in that it is a phrase which describes tricks, shortcuts, skills, or novelty methods to increase productivity and efficiency, in a persons life. To put it another way, it’s anything that solves an everyday problem in a clever or non-obvious way. They are often thought of as “life pro tips“.
The original definition of the term “hack” was thought to be an inelegant (but effective) solution to specific computing problems. The term was later borrowed to form ‘life hack’, and it originated when computer programmers started using it in a more general sense to refer to the solutions of problems they solved in their every day life. “Hey Jim, check this out. I found a hack to make my beer last twice as long!
Today, we’re going to share some of those ingenious life hacks below in an infographic format. The infographic includes a variety of life pro tips which can help improve your life. They’re not going to cause a dramatic turnaround, but they will make the little things more easier. Below you can find info on better ways to hang your clothes, how to getting an ice cold drink in under 3 minutes, saving a potentially lost thumb drive, to even some locksmithing where you are taught to open a chain door lock from the outside.
Everyone could use a little less stress in their lives. Why not start improving the little things today with our neat collection of life hacks. Be sure and check back as we’ll add more in the future. There’s no shortage of ways to improve your life.

Life Hacks Infographic

Life Hacks Infographic


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