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Showing posts from June, 2016

Why google was and is the best search engine ever!

We transform some tools into necessities in order to make our lives easier and happier and to fulfill our needs. Some tools occasionally facilitate our activities and lives in the end. A   search engine  is that kind of a tool. Before we had search engines, to dig some information out, we had to look for books that had the kind of information we required. Then, it was necessary to cast an eye over the books and they were our primary source of information. Now, we are just googling to find almost any piece of information we need. Yes,   Google  is not just a search engine, but also a verb and googling is an ordinary action for us. Best search results and Google's secret algorithm Of course, many have documented the reasons for Google's  success  and most of us view it with admiration. However, the main indicator of its success is our Google searches, which provide the most relevant and logical searches. We are talking about a search engine which measures our behavior in